Tag / Visual Studio

.NET Power Tip 19: Copying, Cutting, Pasting and Moving Lines in Visual Studio

I watch many developers deleting and copying code lines in Visual Studio in an unnecessary complicated procedure. They place the cursor inside the line that they need to delete, cut or copy. Then they use either the mouse or the keyboard to expand the selection to the entire line. With the keyboard, that would be:...CONTINUE READING

New Android Emulator for Xamarin Development in Visual Studio 2015 – AND IT JUST WORKS!!! (Xamarin Android Player XAP deprecated!)

From the first day that I have been using Xamarin for cross-platform development, it was a struggle. One of the biggest pain-points was the use of emulators. While deploying and debugging code on a real device worked, I always had issues with emulators. My experience with the Android Emulators I tried using various emulators to...CONTINUE READING

Session@Developer Week 2016: Hätten Sie’s gewusst? Tipps und Tricks in Visual Studio 2015

——————————————————————————————————————– Dieser Blog Post ist eine Kopie von http://www.developer-week.de/, wo der Originalpost von mir publiziert wurde: http://www.developer-week.de/Blog/Haetten-Sie-s-gewusst-Tipps-Tricks-in-VS15 ——————————————————————————————————————— In den letzten Jahren hat sich Visual Studio zu einem wahren Koloss einer Entwicklungsumgebung entwickelt. Die Liste an Funktionen erscheint schier endlos. Folgend einige spannende Tricks für mehr Produktivität. Clipboard-Ring Code mit den Befehlen „Ausschneiden (Cut)“, „Kopieren...CONTINUE READING

Application Insights – Part 1: The Basics

This series of blog posts will tell you everything you need to know about application insights. Part 1: The Basics Part 2: Is Application Insights really that “easy to add”? Part 3: Is Application Insights really that “easy to use”? Part 4: Application Monitoring with Application Insights Part 5: Troubleshooting Failures with Application Insights Part...CONTINUE READING

Mobile Enterprise with Microsoft Azure at Microsoft Solutions User Group (MSUGS)

I recently held a talk for the Microsoft Solutions User Group (MSUGS) www.msugs.ch 03.02.2016 Microsoft Solutions User Group (MSUGS.cs)  – Mobile Enterprise mit Microsoft Azure The session was about mobile development using Cordova and Azure. In an end-to-end sample we showed how a cross-platform mobile application can be implemented using Cordova and Visual Studio 2015....CONTINUE READING
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