WARNING: Following the instructions in this post will delete a lot of things that can not be recovered! If you
Continue readingTag: Azure
Azure Tip 12: Starting with Azure Bicep
There are plenty of tutorials on how to start with Bicep so that I do not need to rewrite everything.
Continue readingDWX2021: Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) mit Big Data auf Azure – Geht das?
In dieser Session stellen wir ein Forschungsprojekt vor, welches wir für einen Kunden durchgeführt haben. Es ging darum die Fragestellung
Continue readingAzure Tip 11: View Blob (Container) Storage in Azure Storage Account by Storage Tier (hot, cool, archive)
Sometimes you need to know how many blobs are in your storage account by storage tier (hot, cool, archive). Of
Continue readingAzure AD DS (Domain Services) unable to join Azure virtual machine to domain troubleshooting
In a recent customer engagement, I stumbled across this issue and learned some new things that I want to share
Continue readingBASTA2021 Hybrid: Azure ist überwältigend. Wie finde ich mich da nur zurecht?
Eine Standardeinführung in die Azure Cloud Computing Plattform sieht etwa so aus: Slide 1: “Es gibt verschiedene Konzepte, wie IaaS,
Continue readingAzure Tip 10: Advanced Powershell Tricks (Web Services, StopWatch, Remoting, COM)
This post is a part of a series of posts on Azure Powershell: Azure Tip 10: Advanced Powershell Tricks (Web
Continue readingAzure Tip 9 – More Azure Powershell (pipes, filters, output formatting, exporting)
This post is a part of a series of posts on Azure Powershell: Azure Tip 10: Advanced Powershell Tricks (Web
Continue readingAzure Tip 8 – Getting Started with Azure Powershell
Now this is a blog post that I procrastinated on for years, so here we go: It is a part
Continue readingExpertsLIVE Switzerland 2020: How not to get lost in Azure
Session recording available here: https://youtu.be/7732Yv1vZH8 I am sure that you already heard a couple of standard introductions to the Azure
Continue readingBASTA2020: Geheimniskrämerei in der Azure-Cloud mit dem Azure Key Vault
Das Speichern von Geheimnissen, die von einer Anwendung benötigt werden, war schon immer eine Herausforderung. Eigentlich ist es ja ganz
Continue readingAzure Tip 7: Bulk Deleting and Purging Azure Resource Groups
During the delivery of my Azure training sessions, I often end up with a lot of resource groups. Deleting many
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My Virtual Class Room Setup and an Awesome Whiteboarding Solution
So for the last 2 days, I delivered two Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Trainings online. Due to the current COVID-19 situation,
Continue readingAzure Tip 5: Azure Latency Websites
How long does it take to make a call to a data center from where I am? This is a
Continue readingAzure Tip 4: Azure Pricing Links (azureprice.net)
When it comes to how much you need to pay for your workloads running in Azure, there are several approaches:
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