Tag / DotNetPowerTip

.NET Power Tip 19: Copying, Cutting, Pasting and Moving Lines in Visual Studio

I watch many developers deleting and copying code lines in Visual Studio in an unnecessary complicated procedure. They place the cursor inside the line that they need to delete, cut or copy. Then they use either the mouse or the keyboard to expand the selection to the entire line. With the keyboard, that would be:...CONTINUE READING

.NET Power Tip 11: Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools

There is one extension to Visual Studio that you ABSOLUTELY NEED!!! And its the Productivity Power Tools. Go to TOOLS –> EXTENSIONS AND UPDATES and get it from the gallery. You will find it for any VS version that you are working with and its totally free! https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/34ebc6a2-2777-421d-8914-e29c1dfa7f5d The visual studio team who wrote the...CONTINUE READING

.NET Power Tip 8: Troubleshooting log4net Configurations

The configuration part of Log4Net often causes severe headaches. Most of the times, a small mistakes prevents any log output at all. By adding the following snippet to your projects config file, log4net will print out its diagnostics information that often helps to pinpoint any problems: 1. Set debug=”true” in the first line of your...CONTINUE READING
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