Tag / C#

BASTA! 2017 – Mit .NET Core und HATEOAS zum perfekten REST-API?

Mit dem Akronym HATEOAS, abgekürzt für “Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State”, hat der Computerwissenschaftler Roy Fielding im Jahr 2000 erläutert, wie aus seiner Sicht das perfekte REST-API gebaut werden muss. HATEOAS ermöglicht ein API, das ohne zusätzliche sogenannte “Out-of-band”-Informationen verstanden und konsumiert werden kann. Dies wird ermöglicht, indem die Antworten des Servers dem...CONTINUE READING

BASTA2016: Concurrent WPF mit Akka.NET

Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer meiner Session an der BASTA2016: Concurrent WPF mit Akka.NET Abstract: Gerade in Applikationen mit einer Benutzeroberfläche, wie der Windows Presentation Foundation, ist die Umsetzung von paralleler Verarbeitung eine große Herausforderung. Mehrere gleichzeitig laufende Aufgaben, die auf das UI zugreifen? Da fliegen einem die Masken nur so um die Ohren. Akka.NET...CONTINUE READING

.NET Power Tip 4: Playing with Format Strings

  Many developers heavily underestimate the power of the format string. This post shows a couple of examples that can greatly facilitate a coders daily life. Don’t know what a format string is, look here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.format(v=vs.110).aspx Another  great resource with some more advanced ideas: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kathykam/archive/2006/03/29/564426.aspx Remember that there are multiple ways how a format string...CONTINUE READING

.NET Power Tip 3: Reading Data from Excel/CSV

As with writing data to Excel, reading data can be achieved in multiple ways. If you need read and write capabilities, check out .NET PowerTip 2: http://www.12qw.ch/2015/09/net-powertip-2-write-data-to-excel/ However, if you just need to read some data, there is a magnificent library to help you out. Meet LinqToExcel https://github.com/paulyoder/LinqToExcel . How does it work: Add the...CONTINUE READING

.NET PowerTip 2: Writing Data to Excel

Every now and then, developers have to write data to excel. There are several approaches: 1. Full fledged Excel Interop: Add the interop assembly to your project, connect to your local excel application, create workbook, sheet, fill data, etc. Example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19933135/writing-to-excel-using-c-sharp Drawback 1: You need excel on the client. Drawback 2: The Excel version installed...CONTINUE READING

Profiling WPF Applications in Visual Studio 2015 with the WPF Timeline Tool

In VS2013 Microsoft introduced the Performance and Diagnostics Hub. (Check my blog post here: http://www.12qw.ch/2015/03/performance-profiling-of-net-applications-in-visual-studio-20132015/) In visual Studio 2015, the XAML UI Responsiveness Tool has been renamed to Timeline and now fully supports all XAML based applications and therefore WPF! You can read all the details in this post from the WPF team: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wpf/archive/2015/01/16/new-ui-performance-analysis-tool-for-wpf-applications.aspx The...CONTINUE READING

Performance Profiling of .NET Applications in Visual Studio 2013/2015

There have been a lot of improvements in the troubleshooting and especially profiling capabilities of Visual Studio over the last years. While in VS2010 the Visual Studio Profiler was restricted to owners of the premium and ultimate versions, the Visual Studio team made a clever move in shifting the profiler down into the professional versions...CONTINUE READING

ToolTip: Decoding Base64 Images with Chrome Data URL

Reading the great blog post about Base64 encoding and decoding in .NET/C# written by Jerry Nixon (http://blog.jerrynixon.com/2014/11/reading-and-writing-base64-in-windows.html), I immediately remembered a great trick that comes in very handy when using Base64 encoding. Suppose you have an image that you would like to encode into base64: You will end up with a very long string, such...CONTINUE READING

XmlSerializer throws FileNotFoundException

A very typical scenario when using the XmlSerializer is that at runtime it throws a FileNotFoundException. However, the exception is caught within the XmlSerializer class and program flow continues without any problems. It is still inconvenient because the exceptions can interfere with your debugging. Imagine the following code fragment: Person p = new Person() { Name...CONTINUE READING
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