
Hi There!

Thanks for reading my blog!

I am an Azure Architect & Trainer working for the Swiss IT service provider GrabX Solutions (www.grabx.ch). We provide a broad range of services related to the Microsoft Cloud: Azure Infrastructure, M365, Modern Work.

I am interested in everything in and about Azure. My favorite areas are cloud onboarding, troubleshooting, debugging & performance management. 

I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft MVP, Azure Administrator/Developer/Architect.

My profiles:

LinkedIn logo LinkedIn     twitter logo » twitter logo Twitter    ms Microsoft MVP


In addition to my customer projects and teaching, I enjoy my family and friends, lifting weights, self-development (becoming a better version of yourself), and public speaking.

I am eager to explore new technologies and I am happy to share my experiences with you! You can reach me at “blog@manuelmeyer.net”.


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