I watch many developers deleting and copying code lines in Visual Studio in an unnecessary complicated procedure. They place the
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.NET Power Tip 18: Visual Studio Block Selection / Block Copy Mode
Usually, when selecting text in a text editor, the text is selected line by line. This means that if I
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 17: Visual Studio Scroll Bar Map Mode
There is an interesting function in Visual Studio hidden in the options menu: Scroll Bar Map Mode. Going to TOOLS
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 16: Visual Studio Find in Files
You might be familiar with the standard search functionality in Visual Studio accessible via CTRL-F. Personally, I hardly use it.
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 15: The Call Hierachy Window in Visual Studio
A very useful but little kn own window in VS2015 is the Call Hierarchy Window. It can be used to
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 14: Navigation in Visual Studio
This power tip introduces a couple of shortcuts that can be used to navigate through code files in Visual
Today I stumbled upon a GREAT article that I just need to share. The article is “Things You Should
Continue readingBASTA2016: Concurrent WPF mit Akka.NET
Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmer meiner Session an der BASTA2016: Concurrent WPF mit Akka.NET Abstract: Gerade in Applikationen mit einer
Continue readingBASTA2016: Powershell für .NET Entwickler – Unterlagen
Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme an meinem Talk an der Basta! Powershell für .NET Entwickler – Willkommen in der Welt
Continue readingNew Android Emulator for Xamarin Development in Visual Studio 2015 – AND IT JUST WORKS!!! (Xamarin Android Player XAP deprecated!)
From the first day that I have been using Xamarin for cross-platform development, it was a struggle. One of the
Continue readingVisual Studio 2015 Team Explorer suddenly in other language
I think that this is related to Update 2 of Visual Studio 2015, but I am not sure. Sometimes I
Continue readingArticle Published (Windows Developer): Introduction to Azure Mobile Apps
The Windows Developer Magazin (https://entwickler.de/windows-developer-magazin) recently published my article about Azure Mobile Apps in its 9.16 edition: https://entwickler.de/windows-developer-magazin/windows-developer-9-16-255482.html Azure
Continue readingArticle Published (Windows Developer): Integration with Azure Logic Apps
The Windows Developer Magazin (https://entwickler.de/windows-developer-magazin) recently published my article about integration with Azure Logic Apps in their 8.16 edition: https://entwickler.de/windows-developer-magazin/windows-developer-8-16-252340.html
Continue readingDeveloper Week 2016 (DWX) – Unterlagen verfügbar
Die Unterlagen, Demos und Labs für meine Sessions an der DWX: Visual Studio 2015 Geheimtipps WPF Troubleshooting in VS2015
Continue readingSession@Developer Week 2016: Läuft nicht? Gibt’s nicht! Troubleshooting in Visual Studio 2015
——————————————————————————————————————– Dieser Blog Post ist eine Kopie von http://www.developer-week.de/, wo der Originalpost von mir publiziert wurde: http://www.developer-week.de/Blog/Laeuft-nicht-Gibt-s-nicht ——————————————————————————————————————— I Troubleshooting
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