Die Unterlagen, Demos und Labs für meine Sessions an der DWX: Visual Studio 2015 Geheimtipps WPF Troubleshooting in VS2015
Continue readingMonth: June 2016
Session@Developer Week 2016: Läuft nicht? Gibt’s nicht! Troubleshooting in Visual Studio 2015
——————————————————————————————————————– Dieser Blog Post ist eine Kopie von http://www.developer-week.de/, wo der Originalpost von mir publiziert wurde: http://www.developer-week.de/Blog/Laeuft-nicht-Gibt-s-nicht ——————————————————————————————————————— I Troubleshooting
Continue readingSession@Developer Week 2016: Hätten Sie’s gewusst? Tipps und Tricks in Visual Studio 2015
——————————————————————————————————————– Dieser Blog Post ist eine Kopie von http://www.developer-week.de/, wo der Originalpost von mir publiziert wurde: http://www.developer-week.de/Blog/Haetten-Sie-s-gewusst-Tipps-Tricks-in-VS15 ——————————————————————————————————————— In den
Continue readingArticle Series published: Powershell für .NET-Entwickler
This post describes the article series about Powershell that I wrote for Windows Developer and shows a couple of samples.
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Azure PowerTip 3: Don’t get lost in Azure. Use the “Interactive Azure Platform Big Picture”.
This post introduces the “Interactive Azure Platform Big Picture” hosted at: http://azureplatform.azurewebsites.net/en-us/ I just stumbled across this recently. But I
Continue reading.NET Power Tip 13: Converting Images with ImageMagick
Very often, .NET applications need to convert images. Meet ImageMagick! What is Image Magick? Say you have an
Continue readingWhere is ImageMagicks convert.exe?
I recently had a problem at a customer site. Our application uses http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php for image conversion. If you don’t know
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Great Article: 20 years of Microsoft Windows by Peter Bright from arstechnica.com: From Windows NT to Hololens in 2 Decades
Source: www.arstechnica.com Today I stumbled upon an article that blew my mind. Peter Bright (@drpizza) from www.arstechnica.com wrote an
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